Friday, July 9, 2010

Flip to my loo my darlin!

Lots of flip offs this week... but so therapeutic still!   Thanks to Gigi at Kludgy Mom for creating Friday Flip-Offs.... let's rid ourselves of alllllll the crazy, unnecessary, totally stressful, ridiculousness of the week!

1. To my heartburn: I'm not a 65-year old man.  What gives?  Why can't I eat spicy food in peace?  FLIP OFF.
2. To my scrapbooking habit: You're costing me a LOT of money.  I love you, but FLIP OFF.
3. To our garage: It seems like the pile of nothingness just keeps growing and growing.  Can I wish for a sink hole to be created right underneath you so that everything will just disappear?  FLIP OFF.
4. To the weather in San Diego: It's called summer.  AKA opposite of winter.  We had May Gray.  We had June Gloom.  Isn't July supposed to be gorgeous?  COME ON!  I need a tan and some Vitamin D already!  FLIP OFF.
5. To the smell of manure outside my office: Thank you, gardeners, for making the flowers pretty... but didn't you take the soppy weather into account?  It's impossible for the stench to disappear when the moist air keeps permeating it deeper into the soil.  It.smells.horrible.  FLIP OFF.

Can you tell I'm glad it's Friday?  Hope everyone has a great weekend!  Now link up and enjoy the therapy!

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